
Jozsef Meszaros, JD/PhD

Neuroscientist and data scientist, with a background in law

Associate Research Scientist

New York, NY


646 662 4895

Full CV link

Recent and Upcoming

Sept 2023 Teaching a two-part class on recording and analyzing brain activity with home-built, custom EEGs (at Genspace in Brooklyn)

Aug 2023 Published methods for the automation of single-molecule FRET data analysis (in Frontiers of Science)

May 2023 Accepted to become a writer for Towards Data Science (on Medium)

Most popular blog posts

Analyze Scientific Publications with E-utilities and Python (in Towards Data Science)

Comprehensive guide for scientists using ChatGPT3

Bimodal or trimodal data? Try a Gaussian Mixture Model (in Analytics Vidhya)

A few MATLAB table tricks I had to learn the hard way (5,000 views since publishing in 2022)


Scientist within the Javitch Laboratory at Columbia University
2019 - Current

I investigate coupling and conformational changes within complexes of brain-related receptors by imaging individual molecules as they travel and interact within the cell membrane. I am part of a team of researchers within the laboratory focused on single-molecule imaging, where we innovate novel techniques, and I solve analysis problems for the data we generate. My first-author research on the subject was published in Frontiers of Science and I contributed to a previous work published in Nature Methods.

Teaching Professor at Columbia, City University of New York, Bard College
2012 - 2019

I designed and taught multiple courses in the Departments of Biology (Columbia), Psychology (CUNY), and Citizen Science (Bard College). The courses focused on neuroscience at the systems level. My approach for teaching combined contemporary UX design with researched pedagogical approaches: I created web-design paradigms which combined custom front-end and back-end development to provide students with interactive and dynamic learning environments that had features of learning management systems as well as more contemporary social media apps.


Self-directed research and scholarship
2009 - 2011

I worked with multiple scholars in law to publish a comprehensive article in the Yale Journal of Law and Feminism. In this article, I address how neuroscience and legal theories of criminal defense can interact in the defense of people who are accused of crimes in the context of an absuive, intimate partner relationship. The work has been referenced in multiple legal text books and was described as a "tour de force" by Federal District Court Judge Jed Rakoff (SDNY).

Summer Associate at Fenwick and West (Mountain View)
Summer 2009

I worked with several partners on a diversity of projects related to both patent prosecution and litigation. I was central to drafting a patent application, preparing a practice guide that summarizes international patent laws, carrying out prior art searches, and helping write a brief for the defense in a medical device infringement case.